Notes of Will Sawin first Hadamard lecture, 15-05-2023

Number theory over function fields

1. The classical theory

Let us start with classical stuff.

Theorem 1 (Dirichlet) {N} a positive integer, {a} an integer. There exist infinitely many prime numbers {p} such that {p=a \mod N} if and only if {gcd(a,N)=1}.

A more precise statement is the prime number theorem on arithmetic progressions:

\displaystyle  \#\{p\in \mathcal{P}\,;\,p=a\mod N,\, p<x\}=\frac{1}{\phi(N)}\int_{2}^{x}\frac{dy}{\log y}+O_N (xe^{-C\sqrt{\log x}})

for some explicit {C}.

In other words, remainders mod {N} of primes are evenly distributed.

The proofs of both theorems rely on properties of Dirichlet characters.

Definition 2 A function {\chi:{\mathbb Z}^{>0}\rightarrow{\mathbb C}} is a Dirichlet character mod {N} if

  1. {\chi(mn)=\chi(m)\chi(n)} for all {m,n},
  2. {\chi(d+N)=\chi(d)} for all {d},
  3. {\chi(d)=0\iff gcd(d,N)\not=1}.

From a Dirichlet character, one constructs a Dirichlet {L}-function

\displaystyle  L(x,\chi)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\chi(n)n^{-s}=\prod_{p \in \mathcal{P}}\frac{1}{1-\chi(p)p^{-s}}.

1.1. Properties

If {\chi\not=\chi_0}, the trivial character, then {L(s,\chi)} is entire. Dirichlet’s theorem follows from {L(1,\chi)\not=0}. The prime number theorem on arithmetic progressions follows from {L(1+t,\chi)\not=0} for all {t\in{\mathbb R}} and on a neighborhood of that line. Improving the remainder to be polynomial of degree {\alpha} is {x} amounts to nonvanishing of {L(s,\chi)} on {\Re(s)>\alpha}. This is hard. The special case {\alpha=\frac{1}{2}} is known as Generalized Riemann Hypothesis.

If one thinks of primes as random, i.e. an integer {x} has a probability to be prime which is {\frac{1}{\log x}}, the expected error from this random model is {O_\epsilon((x/N)^{\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon})}.

Other interesting questions about Dirichlet {L}-functions are statistical: what happens on the average over {\chi} ?

1.2. Example: moments

We are interested in

\displaystyle  \sum_{\chi\mod N}L(\frac{1}{2},\chi)^a\overline{L(\frac{1}{2},\chi)}^b.

An exact expression is known only for {a\le 2}, {b\le 2} or {a=3}, {b=0}.

2. Function fields

These problems being too hard, I will study similar questions in a different, hopefully easier, setting. Let {F_q} denote a field with {q} elements, {F_q[t]} denotes the ring of polynomials with coefficients in {F_q}. I intend to replace integers with {F_q[t]}. For instance, the Euclidean algorithm works on polynomials.

I denote by {F_q[t]^+} the set of monic polynomials (thought of as an analogue of positive integers).

For {f\in F_q[t]}, its absolute value is {|f|=q^{\mathrm{deg(f)}}}, which is equal to the cardinality of the quotient ring {F_q[t]/fF_q[t]}.

The advantage of the this shift of setting is that new connections with other fields of mathematics appear. Today, I will give one instance of that.

2.1. Dirichlet characters

Say that a function {\chi:F_q[t]^+\rightarrow{\mathbb C}} is a Dirichlet character mod {g\in F_q[t]^+} if

  1. {\chi(fh)=\chi(f)\chi(h)} for all {f,h\in F_q[t]^+},
  2. {\chi(f+gh)=\chi(f)} for all {f,g\in F_q[t]^+},
  3. {\chi(f)=0\iff gcd(f,g)\not=1}.

The Dirichlet {L}-function is

\displaystyle  L(s,\chi)=\sum_{f\in F_q[t]^+}\chi(f)|f|^{-s}.

It is a power series in {q^{-s}}. {L(s,\chi)} is entire for {\chi\not=\chi_0}, because it is a polynomial in {q^{-s}}. Indeed,

\displaystyle  L(s,\chi)=\sum_{j=0}^{\infty}(\sum_{f\in F_q[t]^+,\,\mathrm{deg(f)=d}}\chi(f))q^{-ds}

and the sum {\displaystyle\sum_{f\in F_q[t]^+,\,\mathrm{deg(f)=d}}\chi(f)} vanishes for {d\ge \mathrm{deg}(g)}, since each residue class mod {g} occurs {q^{d-\mathrm{deg}(g)}} times and, by orthogonality of characters, {\sum_{a\in F_q[t]/g}\chi(a)=0}.

The Euler product formula holds,

\displaystyle  L(s,\chi)=\prod_{\pi\in F_q[t]^+,\,\pi\text{ irreducible}}\frac{1}{1-\chi(\pi)q^{-s\mathrm{deg}(\pi)}},

showing that {L(s,\chi)\not=0} for {\Re(s)>1}. If we can improve nonvanishing we get information on the number of irreducible {\pi\in F_q[t]^+} such that {\pi=a\mod g} and {\mathrm{deg}(\pi)=n}.

2.2. Generalized Riemann Hypothesis

In the new setting, the analogue of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis is known, this is

Theorem 3 (Weil) {L(s,\chi)\not=0} for {\Re(s)>\frac{1}{2}}.

The proof is geometric.

Weil’s theorem implies that

\displaystyle  \#\{\pi\in F_q[t]^+\,\pi \text{ irreducible},\,\pi=a\mod g\,\mathrm{deg}(\pi)=n\}=\frac{q^n}{\phi(q)n}+O(\mathrm{deg}(g)q^{n/2}).

2.3. Statistical issues

The theorem leaves open statistical questions about {L(s,\chi)}. Katz, Katz-Sarnak, Deligne answered statistical questions in the limit where {q} tends to infinity.

Definition 4 Say a character {\chi} is primitive if there is no character {\chi'} of smaller modulus {g'} such that {\chi(t)=\chi'(t)} for all {f} with {gcd(f,g)=1}.

Say {\chi} is odd if {\chi(g+\alpha)\not=1} for some {\alpha\in F_q}.

Theorem 5 Assume {\chi} is primitive and odd. Then {L(s,\chi)} is a polynomial in {q^{-s}} of degree exactly {\mathrm{deg}(g)-1} with all roots on {\frac{1}{2}+it\in{\mathbb C}}. It follows that {L(s,\chi)} is the characteristic polynomial of {q^{\frac{1}{2}-s}\theta_\chi} where {\theta_\chi} is a unitary matrix.

Theorem 6 (Katz) If {g} is squarefree and {\mathrm{deg}(g)=m}, there a exists a map

\displaystyle  F:U(m-1)\rightarrow{\mathbb C}

which is continuous, conjugacy invariant, such that

\displaystyle  \lim_{q\rightarrow\infty}\frac{1}{q^m}\sum_{\chi\text{ primitive, odd}}f(\theta_\chi)=\int_{U(m-1)}F(\theta)\,d\theta.

In other words, the {\theta_\chi} equidistribute in the unitary group as {q} tends to infinity. It kills hope to control its nonvanishing simultaneously for all {q}.

2.4. A sample result

Here is a theorem of mine.

Theorem 7 Let {g} be squarefree of degree {m}. Then

\displaystyle  \frac{q-1}{(q^m-1)(q-2)}\sum_{\chi\text{ primitive, odd}}L(s,\chi)^k = 1+O(k^m 2^{mk-k-m}q^{\frac{1-m}{2}}).

In other words, the average over primitive, odd characters is 1 up to fluctuations which become small if {q>k^2 2^{2(k-1)}}.

Whereas, in the classical setting, only a few moments are understood, in the new setting one can study arbitrarily high moments, provided {q} is large enough.

The question has a geometric nature because it involves counting solutions to polynomial equations over {F_q}. Since the middle of XXth century, one knows that such a counting can follow from the same topological techniques used to describe solutions over the complex numbers.

2.5. Scheme of proof

Let me give a scheme of the proof of Theorem 7. By the Euler product formula, the lefthand sum can be rewritten

\displaystyle  \sum_\chi\sum_{f_1,\ldots,f_k\in F_q[t]^+}\chi(f_1\cdots f_k)q^{s(\sum\mathrm{deg}(f_i))}.

For a fixed {h\in F_q[t]^+},

\displaystyle  \sum_{\chi\text{ odd}} \chi(h)=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if }h=1\mod g, \\ -\frac{1}{q-2} & \text{ if }h=\alpha\mod g,\,\alpha\in F_q[t]^\times, \\ 0 &\text{otherwise}. \end{cases}

Therefore the sum becomes a sum over {\alpha\in F_q[t]^\times} involving the number of {f_1,\ldots,f_k\in F_q[t]^+} such that {f_1\cdots f_k=\alpha\mod g} and {\sum\mathrm{deg}(f_i)=n}.

This set is the union over {k}-tuples of natural numbers summing to {n} of sets, each of which is the set of solutions to {m} equations in {n} variables, over {F_q} (the unknowns are the coefficients of the monic polynomials {f_i}).

The answer, obtained by Grothendieck’s school, can be found on the windows of Orsay’s math building.

Theorem 8 (Grothendieck-Lefschetz formula) Let {X} be a scheme of finite type over {F_q}. Then the number of points of {X} over {F_q} is

\displaystyle  \# X(F_q)=\sum_{j=0}^{2\mathrm{dim}(X)}(-1)^{i}\mathrm{trace}(Frob_q H^i(X(\overline{F_q}),{\mathbb Q}_\ell)).

We also need

Theorem 9 (Deligne’s Riemann hypothesis) The eigenvalues of {Frob_q} on {H^i(X(\overline{F_q}),{\mathbb Q}_\ell)} are algebraic integers of absolue value {\le q^{1/2}}.

This implies that the trace is bounded above by {q^{1/2}} times the dimension of cohomology. This allows to conclude

Theorem 10 The number of solutions to the counting problem is

\displaystyle  \frac{1}{q^m-1}\sum_{j=0}^k (-1)^j\begin{pmatrix}k\\ j \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}n-jm+k-1\\ k-1 \end{pmatrix}q^{n-jk}+O(...).

Thus we see that geometry has made it possible to go beyond the classical results in the function field setting.

Here is the key geometric statement. Let {g} be a monic squarefree polynomial of degree {m} over a field {F}. Let {a\in F[t]} be prime to {g}. Consider the union of the schemes parametrizing the set of {f_1,\ldots,f_k} whose product equals {a\mod g}. Then the cohomology of the points over {\bar F} splits as the sum of a boring piece (independent on {a}) and an interesting piece which is {0}-dimensional if {i\not=n-m,n+1-m}, and otherwise its dimension is at most

\displaystyle  \begin{cases} k^{m-1} \begin{pmatrix}mk-k-m+1\\ n-m+1 \end{pmatrix} & \text{ if }i=n+1-m, \\ (k^m-\begin{pmatrix}m+k-1\\ m-1 \end{pmatrix})\begin{pmatrix}mk-m-k\\ n-m \end{pmatrix} & \text{ if }i=n-m. \end{cases}

About metric2011

metric2011 is a program of Centre Emile Borel, an activity of Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France. See
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